Monday, January 4, 2010

My cat woke me up the other evening by sitting bolt upright and staring out the window. After I could hear anything but my heartbeat in my ears I heard rustling in the leaves coming closer to my window. So, with cell phone in hand (ready to call 911) I put on my glasses and peeked out.

There in the squirrel feeder was the biggest possum I have ever seen. It was huge, body 2' not counting the tail! I was, however relieved that I didn't need to call anyone.

This isn't the first possum encounter I have had at the house.

I came home from work one evening and noticed that there was a possum laying in my front yard. Strange but maybe it got scared. They know... play possum. The next morning I looked out and there it was still laying and laying still. There was frost on it's back this time so I was pretty sure it was dead.

Who do you call for dead animals in your yard? Seriously, do you, as a homeowner, take care of that? Eww! So I called Animal Control. It was a wild animal I wanted controlled. Albeit a dead one so kinda easy to control. I digress. The kind lady on the phone said I could indeed call them for wild animals even if they are in the yard but was I sure it was dead, it being a possum and after all they possum (she was a smart alec like me). I told her about the frost before she could ask me to go poke it with a stick. As if.

It was gone when I got home. They're very efficient once they know they're dead.

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