Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Professionalism above all else!

I am part of a list at work that reaches thousands of people who work with children and young adults. There are all kinds of questions asked and answered about everything from, "I have a patron who read a book to her children 30 years ago that had a blue cover with a cat on the front and I want to get it again to read to my grandchildren." (not lying it really happens) to "How do I motivate kids to enjoy grammar?" (I say give it up)

It can be very informative.

The other day the question of overdue fines to daycare centers came through and I was on it. That's right up my alley. It's what I do. I was ready to share my knowledge with the world or at least a piece of it.

I carefully laid out my response, edited it for errors, professionalism is important you know, and sent it off to the list.

The next day I was shocked to see about 50 responses. It is unusual to have even one response. I opened the first one ready to bask in the glory that is affirmation for a job well done and read, "I would love to come to you town and see that driving down the street. " Okay, that was a little strange. The next one clarified it for me, "What exactly is a "boob bus?"

Yep. Professionalism rules!

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